It Is A Sad Fact

That Less Than Half Of Disabled People

Actually Claim Disability Tax Refund

And Even Fewer

Claim The Maximum Refund Possible

Are You Getting The Maximum Possible Disability Tax Refund?

It is evident from the SARS statistics that many disabled people or parents of disabled children are not claiming tax relief for SARS.
It is also clear from the SARS information that most of those who do claim, are not getting the maximum possible credits. In fact the amounts credited suggest that the amounts actually claimed and paid by SARS were in the region of 50% of what they should be.
The SARS Tax Regulations allow tax claims to be made retrospectively. Therefore, should you not have claimed or if you think that you did not receive the full credit that you should have, fill in the form and let us see what we can do for you

And there are a few reasons why this situation exists

  1. First of all, there are many disabled people (or their responsible family members) who do not realise that they qualify for disability credits.
  2. There are many of these people who do not know that there are multiple legal ways of claiming relief on the often heavy expenses resulting from disabilities or on expenses that help disabled people lead a reasonable life.
  3. And then there are those who are claiming, but who are just not getting the full possible Tax credits.

This is where Let Us Assist can make a huge difference

Our knowledge of the Disability Tax Regulations and our experience in maximising our clients’ claims will make a difference to what you receive from SARS as your refund.
Simply complete the form on this page and we will be in touch with you to carry out an assessment of what we think can be achieved for you.


Send this completed form for a FREE assessment of what we can claim for you